Monday, August 31, 2009

What was August?

Roasting Corn
Blueberry Buckle
Camping in the Adirondacks
Camping, driving, swimming Perimeter of Michigan
Tie Dye
Cookie making'
watching for shooting stars
looking for rainbows
Mowing the lawn
Projects started, projects finished
Making Ice Cream
Watching pets
Watering gardens
Hiking to favorite spots

What was your August?

Last of August

What was August?

Roasting Corn
Blueberry Buckle
Camping in the Adirondacks
Camping, driving, swimming Perimeter of Michigan
Tie Dye
Cookie making'
watching for shooting stars
looking for rainbows
Mowing the lawn
Projects started, projects finished
Making Ice Cream
Watching pets
Watering gardens
Hiking to favorite spots

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

"If the Earth were only a few feet in Diameter, floating a few feet above a field somewhere, people would come from everywhere to marvel at it, declare it sacred and protect it." Joe Miller

Must we not do the same?
late summer garden views
Love the muted hues and varied greens.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Breaking Traditions Quilts

These 2 12x12 quilts were made for a Quilt exhibition in Michigan in Spetember.

Breaking Traditions Art Quilt Exhibit

it is to benefit A place to Bark

Sorry our mouse is not working so highlighting things is a very difficult thing to do.

The theme is "Home"
The top quilt is titled
"Cabin Home" in dedication to those Pioneer women that worked so hard in their log cabins.

The bottom one is;
"Home . . . in the garden"
with design help by 13 y/o Slugger.
Yes, those are my hands, I had wanted to put a spider web on it but ran out of time.

This is a fun exhibit to participate in and it is my second year.

Have a good Wednesday!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


What is it about camping that everyone loves? Is it the stress of packing everything, the hard ground or wet feet/clothes? Probably not.
Is it the magic of being one with Nature, of living a more simple, with just the things you need life? Is it not having to do all the routine chores of life and able to sit back and just relax and reflect? I certainly do not know the answers to these questions but it is something to ponder. For me any time spent in nature is a good thing.The views, the scents usually just don't get any better. We were treated this weekend to the lovely serenades of the Loons on the Lake. That just made it all the more special. It was a full weekend of nature observing, water sports, canoeing, hiking, Letter-boxing.Playing games with friends and campfire time with smores. We had rain,we had no Bears perhaps because we had Edna along? Whatever it was a very good time indeed.The best is no electronics!! The best is getting lots of fresh air and activity.

Just gotta love it.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Mystery Flower

I believe this to be Blue Bottle Gentian Gentiana andrewsii

It was at the Base of a Beaver Dam by a lake in the Adirondack Mountains.

I have never seen it before but I sure do like it.

Summer- a time for lots of outdoor discoveries!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Flowers

The colors the shapes the sizes they never cease to amaze me. Each individual each special and unique. Together they create a tapestry of color that is un- matched. Some bold, others delicate, some are food for others such as bees and butterfly's.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Afternoon

"Summer Afternoon"
Are there any better words in the English Language?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Birthday continuing

Peanut Butter Bars - bad picture

Over Night French Toast to start the Day off on the deck!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Birthday Cake

This is the final cake before eating it, these are not the best pictures of it though. It was yummy!
Happy 13th Birthday Slugger!

Monday, August 3, 2009

May Nature Quilt

This is May Nature Quilt. This is the colors seen in May not what I think but what I see. Lots of shades of green color just starting to come and not much tan/gold as everything is fresh.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Birthday Week is here!

The beginning of Sluggers Birthday Cake.
Brownie base in a Springform pan. Then Mint Chocolate Chip Icecream spread in it and freeze. Bake more brownies and cut into like 1/2 inch chunks, drop onto ice cream layer. Drizzle Chocolate Ganache over the top of it all and add white Non-perils for effect. I used to do 2 layers of Brownie top and bottom but there is a lot of slippage and melting that way so we are onto a new method. I will post a picture of the final cake later. We have birthdays on Monday and Wed. this week and will celebrate with Family on Tuesday.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blueberry Cupcakes

This is an old family recipe from my Great Aunt Inez.
Summer with fresh blueberries is the best time to make these but frozen any time of year work well. I also like to make a lemon-blueberry muffin and a cornbread blueberry Muffin. Sprinkles are just for extra summer fun!!!