Monday, August 18, 2014

Just Thinking . . .

“In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.”
Rachel Carson

Brewster Tidal Flats- at Low Tide

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August Full Moon

Full Moon over Chatham

Chatham Lighthouse Chatham Mass.

Full Moon- Lighthouse beach

Chatham Lighthouse at night.

Full Green Corn Moon
The Sturgeon Moon
The August moon was awesome to see over the Atlantic Ocean last Sunday night. It was rainy and cloudy but it still shone bright for us. The moon was in front of us and the lighthouse behind us.  We usually walk through Chatham and then come up to the lighthouse for a little while. These old lighthouses really make you think about the days when sailors relied on the sun, stars and lighthouses for navigation.   Today I am confident that the shipping industry is safer with all the technology.  Amazing all that we as a nation put into Lighthouses so long ago though.  Most lighthouses are on automated today and managed by the US Coastguard.  Shine on, Shine on and safe journeys  to home,

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Garden Mid- August 2014

Hibiscus Flower

Rose of Sharon - Bush

Main Garden

Walkway colorful and filling in

Lots of red tomatoes and orange marigolds

Hops are making blooms - ladybugs have arrived as well.

Coleus are bright and bold.

The garden in Mid-August is full of color.  The Tomatoes are ready, very sweet adn juicy.  The strawberries are producing again.  Many of the flowers are mature and in full bloom.  Zinnias, Marigolds, cosmos. The Hops are beginning to flower as well. The crickets can be heard chirping all day long.  Oddly we are having September weather , cool, dark, cloudy, rain and feeling like Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup days.  We are busy packing up 2 kids to head off to College this next week. I was just thinking today that it will be bulb planting season soon- it seems to early but September is but on our footstep.  It is headed our way whether we like it or not. While I miss the sun and its warmth- these days can be reflective too.  I am busily trying to finish a Quilt for one of my kids to take to college  - I am in the quilting stage . . .  Hoping I can finish it!!!
 Be well and enjoy your gardens. 
I need to do some serious weeding- just one week away and the sweet clover has taken over.   This year the birds have dropped Poison Ivy seeds in my garden and they are causing me havoc.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Beach Break . . .

Just taking a little break . . .be back soon!!!