Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Cannon at last!!! 1812 lives on . .
"Connecting Heritage through Scouting" this is the theme of the International War of 1812 Scout Brigade at Fort George in Niagara on the Lake Canada where close to 3000 scouts gather this in their 28th year to reenact battles of the War of 1812 fought here where the mouth of the Niagara River meets Lake Ontario. On Saturday they march into town - right down main street - the British/ Canadian first and the Americans/Yankees second. It was the 2nd year for my younger son and the 6th for my older one who was actually part of an Artillery Unit this year. It is this Artillery Unit that they built the Cannon for. Although many hands on woodworking skills were learned it was the team building - or not where the greatest lessons were learned. " There is not I in Team" It is a hard lesson to learn. A bit of Mutiny at times. . . . . Here they are with the finished product. They had a great time making new friends and Pizza at midnight was a huge hit. This Artillery unit is separate from the enlisted men and you need to be 14 and up so it caters to the older scout- keep them active and interested!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Art Happens . . . .
This Ancient Transcript technique can be found here at Daisy Yellow Created by her young artist in residence. I overlapped my background with a Hand and then filled it in a little Zentangle style.
So, my title Art Happens . . . . . . it happens for me but not as often as I would like it to. Does Art happen for you? Art is a rather heavy word and many people I think stay away thinking that they could not possibly create art . . . . we all have the potential. Give it a try.
Danny Gregory in his book Creative License uses an example that everyone drives a car and why? Because we practice it everyday. He suggests that if we draw or paint everyday we to can increase our artistic talents. I for one believe this to be true. Also if you are drawing or painting every day or often at least and sometimes around others they too in turn will be influenced to try and draw even just a little bit. Some draw for fun or to express emotions, many people have many reasons. Grab a crayon or pencil and do a little doodle or draw an item right in front of you. No one is looking, just you so go ahead and be brave and jump right in . Make Art happen as often as possible. You just never know what might happen.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Cape Cod Cottage
Joys come from simple and natural things, mists over meadows, sunlight onleaves, the path of the moon over water. Even rain and wind and stormy clouds bring joy, just as knowing animals and flowers and where they live. Such things are where you find them, and belong to the aware and alive. —Sigurd Olson
This is my Husbands family's cottage on the Cape. The natural landscape is common up there. Heathers, Lavender and Hydrangeas, Hibiscus, Yuccas grow like wildfire, all things that would never grow around here. Wild life is similar, birds, lots of Hummers and orioles, rabbits, skunks, coons, Coyotes. Grass unless frequently watered and mulched however does not grow well.
This is my Husbands family's cottage on the Cape. The natural landscape is common up there. Heathers, Lavender and Hydrangeas, Hibiscus, Yuccas grow like wildfire, all things that would never grow around here. Wild life is similar, birds, lots of Hummers and orioles, rabbits, skunks, coons, Coyotes. Grass unless frequently watered and mulched however does not grow well.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Get Away
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