So these are our 2 cats.
The red/ Orange one is called "Oren" he was named from the Cat Shelter Oren short for Orange. He is Petite, has a crook in his tail and a bum Hip.
He can be rather Porky when he wants to be and generally is sweet, greeting us every time we come home etc.. He has recently discovered that laps are a good thing to sit on so we all get to share in the warmth. He is an indoor/Outdoor cat and a proficient hunter. Chipmunks are his specialty.
The Black and White cat is called "Sol" also from the cat shelter but he arrived via a letter from Santa hum 2-3 years ago. He is an Indoor only cat and loves to be read to at night when we put the kids to bed. We learned he has some Siamese in him an he likes to talk a lot.
They were nicely here together for a little Playtime, grooming and sleeping. They like any quilts in the house even if they are only in the layout stage- those they like to play with and mess up whatever one has laid out. It is a cats job I am told. Sometimes i think it would be a pretty cool thing to be a cat. Eat sleep, get pet etc. . . . a pretty good life. We should take after them in the Simple life they lead. They can entertain themselves rather easily, don't need clothes, usually clean up after themselves. Perhaps we should take some lessons from them.
Well it has been a good day, a nice walk with Edna, running with kids, family dinner squeezed in there. All good. Until again. Stay warm given the weather that is upon us- a high of 10 tomorrow.
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