So these are what the hands that usually hold books, pencils and typing on the keyboard are starting off doing this week.. It is school break and we are snowless at the moment that may change by midweek. Today we did some errands and shopping. The library, An Antique Shop holding treasures for all, Salvation Army store, Wool shop for mama, toy store, bread shop for our favorite Cinnamon Swirl, Walmart. Also a drive by the mostly frozen lake and observing the birds that sit and wait on the ice, mainly Seagulls, Geese, and Mallards. It is so different to see everything at the lakefront so quiet in the Winter from the usual bustle and hustle of the Summer.
The hands are busy playing computer games - Solitaire, Age of mythology, answering the phone and putting together little skateboard toys, firing the BBGun, making cookies, knitting, stitching, carrying books for pleasure, sketching, vaccumming, peeling potatoes. . . . . what don't our Hands do? No wonder they get tired- at least mine do now days. What did your Hands do today? What will they do tomorrow?
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