Relaxing on a swing at Beaver Meadow Nature Center North Java NY
Some of the Many many wind turbines we saw today on our drive through Wyoming County
They were everywhere. So big when you are up really close to them. So good to see Green efforts using our Natural Resources.
This beautiful Tree was standing here in 1779 - yep that is 230 years ago - there were some brave Soldiers from the Sullivan expedition commanded by General George Washington himself that lost their lives here at the Torture Tree after they were ambushed over at Boyds last Stand in Groveland NY This was the furthest west the Revolutionary War went. It was this expedition that led to Pioneers in this area and the discovery of the rich fertile soil. Don't you wonder what stories big old trees like this can tell? Everywhere we went today no leaves are out yet. But at the Nature Center finally heard Spring Peepers!!! such a sweet sweet sound!!
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