Mighty Muffins
I am not sure which I like more- Cookies or muffins. . . . Muffins are magical, your own personal little cake full of sweetness and goodies. Pictured above are Pumpkin, Banana Chocolate Chip, Blueberry cream, Cranberry orange. Totally love the tops off the pumpkin muffins, crunchy but soft on the inside full of spicy goodness. I am just experimenting with streusal toppings- boy you really have to load it on there in order to have it well covered after you bake them. Also working at Temperature - instead of just say 375 for 30 min doing 425 for 15 min then reducing it to 350 for 10-15 min. They rise more and have a nicer shape and are more firm on the top. Most of these went to neighbors and the rest went into work.
Nothing like fresh baked goods for Breakfast!! gotta love it .
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