Well February is on the doorstep, it is always a busy month full of Birthdays, holidays and lots of snowy weather.
Things to do and remember:
Feb.2 - Ground Hogs Day and Candelmas Day
Feb 3- Birthday!!!
Feb. 5 my sisters birthday
Feb. 6 Ganodagan Winter Festival
Feb 7- SuperBowl
Feb 12- release of The Lightning Thief Movie, Opening of the Winter Olympics!! ABe Lincolns Birthday
Feb. 14- Valentines Day
Feb. Susan B. Anthony's Birthday
Feb15-19 winter break
Feb. 16 Shrove Tuesday / Pancakes
Feb 17 Ash Wednesday
Feb. 23 Birthday
Feb.26/27 stampin Up Regionals
Feb. 27 Merit Badge University
Feb. 28 Birthday Brunch/ Yoda turns 10!!
No surprise that I like hands. These are sculpted at Ganodagan Historic Site. This weekend is their Winter Festival, You can go and observe Life in an Iroquois Winter. Play some Snow Snake, see how they make Snow shoes and tobogons or listen to stories in the Long house that they have on site. February so little time, so much to do!