These pictures are from just after Christmas when we saw our cousins and they decided to have an Epic Snowball Fight. They used Drywall buckets to make forts and had a couple of snowball makers. Also some shields from a Mid-evil Birthday party. It was quite cold out, below 20 degrees but this went on for at least 2hours. It ended when a brother planted 2 snowballs in a sisters face . . .If you have kids- nuff said here. The sun made a lovely appearance towards the end but for the most part it was typical gray Great Lakes weather. We take for granted our weather but it is highly dependent on the great lakes. My 15 y/o was commenting on how lucky we are to live with so much accessible fresh water. We take that for granted. She was thinking about Haiti as she was talking about this and the great need they have had there for fresh water not only now but always.
Get out and enjoy the outside where ever you are!
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