This is a pathway that I frequently walk, bike or run on alone, with dog or with kids. It is an old railroad bed that the Black Diamond made it runs - aka Lehigh Valley from down near Scranton PA. to Buffalo NY Anyways this is late June on the Lehigh Valley and things are very early this summer. We even saw red honeysuckle berries that are usually there late August. Milkweeds are in full bloom - more on them later. Included here are Teasels which when in further bloom attract both bird and butterfly, Bird's-foot Trefoil also known as Lotus corniculatus part of the Pea family and Common roadside/ Field Daisy Oxeye Daisy from the aster family. All of these and many more love old railroad beds with loose gravel, poor drainage. The teasels which are very prickery to handle are so unique. They are commonly used in the dry/brown stage for decoration. Making them into animals is common too. I really like the meadow smell this time of year, all the clovers make it smell so sweet. The Chicory is out already and I think the shade of blue that it is, is brilliant. I can remember hiking with Girl Scouts this time of year through meadows that smelled so very good! It is a smell to me that says Slow down, sit a while and take it all in as it will not last! Hope you all get out to a meadow or where ever your favorite pathway is soon!
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