Thursday, October 27, 2011

Apple Farm 2011

 Golden Delicious

 Ida Red
Apple picking is one of those seasonal family traditions that we have. We have picked Apples before the kids were born and 1-5 times a season every year since.  One of the highlights is the Tractor ride to the trees and cider doughnuts rank right up there as well. The only bad part are the bees/wasps, we do not like those.  This year we did all go . . . but one who is wearing braces and 15 was not into it as they do not eat them - even peeled and cut up . . . . must be the age . . . and then my senior in HS looks at many things as "her last" but I don't think so, we will be picking apples when she comes home from college or maybe there will be an apple farm near her college.  Yoda the youngest had the goal of finding a completely red apple all the way around and by gosh we did!! There is just something magical about all the bright red or green apples on the trees.  A rainy day today time for applesauce and crisp or pie.  My kids like fresh apples but not cooked or baked??? They are truly missing in my opinion.

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