Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

So many things to be thankful . . . . good food, family, warm house, health, jobs, college kids at home. . . . Winter weather, feeding chickadees by hand.  . . . .  especially glad for wood cook stove- 2nd oven for pie baking . . . . Hoping to be present on this here ole blog more in December . . . and hoping that every one had a Happy Thanksgiving.  Blessings to all.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Lake Effect Snow . . . . like no other.

View image on Twitter And this my friends is what you get with Lake Effect Snow, an ungodly amount in a short time. We have equipment and know what to do and how to be prepared but this is still just a huge amount. Stay in stay warm and stay safe.
Having issues with Blog . . pictures were not meant to be overlapped.