Sunday, June 29, 2014

Eagle Court of Honor

Bert = Big Red Truck that helped and worked on every Eagle project of each boy

Table with awards

The Fab Five- 4 on left receiving Eagle Charge from the 5th one who did his COH a year ago- All boys together since 1st/2nd grade

Certificate from Beneficiary for his Project

Waiting for Color Guard at closing- Hubby the Scoutmaster and TJ

Grandpa Bob and his Brother Dick- Great Uncle Dick - thanks for coming!

"Of any one hundred boys who become Scouts, it must be confessed that thirty will drop out in their first year.  Perhaps this may be regarded as a failure, but in later life all of these will remember that they had been Scouts and will speak well of the program."
"Of the one hundred, only rarely will one ever appear before a juvenile court judge.  Twelve of the one hundred will be from families that belong to no church.  Through Scouting, these twelve and many of their families will be brought into contact with a church and will continue to be active all their lives.  Six of the one hundred will become pastors."
"Each of the one hundred will learn something from Scouting.  Almost all will develop hobbies that will add interest throughout the rest of their lives.  Approximately one-half will serve in the military, and in varying degrees will profit from their Scout training.  At least one will use it to save another person's life and many will credit it with saving their own."
"Four of the one hundred will reach Eagle rank, and at least one will later say that he valued'his Eagle above his college degree.  Many will find their future vocation through merit  badge work and Scouting contacts.  Seventeen of the one hundred boys will later become Scout leaders and will give leadership to thousands of additional boys."
"Only one in four boys in America will become Scouts , but it is interesting to know that of the leaders of this nation in business religion and politics, three out of four were Scouts."
"This story will never end.   Like the "Golden Pebble" of service dropped into the human sea, it will continue to radiate in ever-widening circles, influencing the characters of men down through unending time 
A Look At 100 Boys That Join Scouting
 28 will continue lifelong hobbies started in Scouting
 18 will develop hobbies which will last a lifetime
 17 will become Scout volunteers
12 will receive their first time religious contact
 8 will enter a career based on Merit Badges work
5 will earn their religious emblem
2 will enter the clergy
1 will use Scouting skills to save the life of another person
1 will use Scouting skills to save his own life

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Garden week of 6/23 . . .

Hops still growing wild

Feverfew starting to show off

Tomatoes before staking and weeding

Still very Wild  . . . . .

Evening Primrose From Grandparents farm

Beginning of the Bee Balm

Garden week of june16th- last week . . . .

Can the Hops get any bigger?

Main Walkway

need more stakes for Tomatos

Peony's are perfect this week- wish they lasted longer

Main Garden
Blue Geranium - from a patient a long time ago

Main garden- Green Hostas still need to be moved
I had this post already to post last week and DH shut down the computer and did not save it . . . such is life. Now to post this week as lots has changed!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wedding Song...... Throwback Thursday

What was your wedding song?
 26 years ago - this was our wedding song.
The Best Man and Maid of Honor - our best friends,  met for the first time at our Rehearsal,  then several years later, were married. It has been such a good 26 years.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just thinking . . . .

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
Theodor Seuss Geisel (1904-1991);
Writer, Cartoonist, Animator

One of the many projects and experiences that my son has had through  12 years of Scouting.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Strawberry Time . . .

               Right on the cusp of the Strawberry Moon . . .the Strawberries were ready to be picked in the field. I don't think I will ever grow tired of fresh strawberries picked right from the field. I can remember back as far as I can, going to the fields and picking Berries.  First with my mom, then single, then pregnant with a friend from NYC who had never done that before.  Then with babes by my sides and on my back and now with a teen or 2 or even with my 85 year old Dad who still goes out to pick.  Eating them fresh is my personal favorite but also like them in a smoothie, strawberry glazed pie, Chocolate covered, with biscuits, with angel Food cake and made into jam.  Fresh on Pancakes or waffles or Crepes, is there any way not to eat a strawberry?  Whats your favorite way?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Nesting Birds at Chestnut Hill . . .

House Wren's

Blue birds and one is on a branch right above the house.

Blue Birds
Baby Blue Birds maybe 5 days old

Rosy Breasted Nuthatch's
Rosy Breasted Nuthatch - they are thinner than this picture depicts.

So it seems that our yard is a haven for birds and nesting birds which could not make us happier. My  college daughter is keenly interested in Birds and hopes one day to do research in Ornithology.  She said it is fine to check on nesting birds.  You first knock on the box so if there is an adult in side it fly's out, then you open up the box briefly. They actually learned all about this in one of her wildlife management classes. That is why I can show you a picture of baby Blue birds.  Our Hammock is between 2 big Norway spruce which is near the Nuthatch house and it is fascinating to watch the parents come and go feeding the babies.  The Nuthatch babies are older then the blue birds.  The box is not such that I can show them to you though. Watching these little birds carry on teh cycle of life is really a special treat and grounds you to what in the end is important in life. Shelter, food, family, Love.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just thinking . . .

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.”
Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl 

This view can be nightly just from standing in the driveway or sitting on the front lawn. Just starting to see lots of little newborns.  Love all the different shades of green depicted here.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Life in the Garden right now . . . .

walkway this week Fever few are getting big
walkway update
Hops still growing very wild

Tomato Garden

Center of Main Garden with Twinkle lights

Trumpet Vine in bloom this week

Kousa Dogwood in bloom this week too

Up close of Kousa Dog Wood

Main garden- needing to move some of the large Green Hostas
We have had a lot of sun and rain when needed which is making everything quite green this year right now. All can change quickly.  When looking weekly - it is so interesting to see just what changes, where the locusts were in full bloom this week nothing but leaves but the Kousa Dogwood has taken its place.  Our yard I think is very pleasant to hang out in. Lots of nooks and crannies to stop and think or read a book.  We do not have a lot of time for those things but always good to dream.  Trying to move some things around the yard to capitalize on what is doing well. Also really want to get some tree trimming done so that my main garden can get more sun.  Without enough sun the flowers all move to the very outer border. They struggle as do we without enough sun.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


 "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some Style"  Maya Angelou

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Just Thinking . . .

" We can't all, and some of us don't.  That's all there is to it"
~ Eeyore

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Life in the Garden right now . . . .

walkway beds finally got edged

This bed gets full Sun and will be changing a lot in the coming weeks!!!

Tomato Bed- still putting some in

Entry way - that is Hops growing up to the roof and we are trying to train it this year- it was so lovely last year.

Cranesbill - Geranium

Locust are in Bloom- yard smells ever so sweet and the bees are a buzzing . . . when you stand still the yard just buzzes away!

Many big Locust trees

Main garden- now getting to much shade from the Maple, also going to move out some large green Hostas.