Saturday, October 24, 2015

Weekend Wanderings October 2015

These are from last weekend 10- 17/18-2015  but it has been a busy week so I did not get hem posted sooner. Hoping to go somewhere different this weekend.  Lots of life and color still out there. It was quite cold last weekend- snow in the air and lot's of Bird activity!!  There is nothing better than getting outside- so centering and inspirational.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Sunshine and Shadow

 This was the sun rising in the East and the shadow was the weeds in from of the pumpkin and I was just in the right place at the right time.   There is beauty all around us if only we can see. 
Have a fun weekend - some pumpkin carving and Halloween cookie baking on our schedule!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Quilts in progress . . . .

I have been busy trying to layer up a few Quilts that are just waiting . . .  I like to use my big Picnic table outside for this.
  I also have  just finished quilting a big star Quilt and need to get the binding on it now and then a label on it.
I plan to take a couple with me on my Sewing, painting get away weekend at the end of this month and we'll see how far I get with them.  I think the top and bottom quilts I will quilt mostly with straight lines so they will go quicker.  The top one was a bundle of  fabric from a Quilt show in the spring and the bottom one was using leftover 3.5 squares from a year long project that I did.  I will update with progress as they go along. . . .   wow - typos from auto correct when I first posted - sorry I think I have them all now.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Weekend Best Shots . . .

This was a beautiful fall weather weekend . . . warm sunny days with beautiful cerulean skies.  The Trees here in Western NY are just starting to change colors in some of the hills and valleys.   We did a lot of around the house work most of the weekend.  The boys participated in Xylems I Solved Water Program and won first place for Water Quality which came with a 1000K prize for the Robotic team.  I  made a road trip to nearby Fingerlakes town for a Grape Sundae and Crumb Top Grape pie as requested by the family.  Some Spring Bulb planting and moving perennials around- adding a few things by our new Pond but mostly planting that will wait for the spring time.  Spinach salad, Kale chips, Roasted veggies, fresh green salad and a few last fresh green beans.  So much yumminess this time of year.  Today is another drop dead gorgeous day but most of my work is inside- having a hard time with that.