Wednesday, August 12, 2009


What is it about camping that everyone loves? Is it the stress of packing everything, the hard ground or wet feet/clothes? Probably not.
Is it the magic of being one with Nature, of living a more simple, with just the things you need life? Is it not having to do all the routine chores of life and able to sit back and just relax and reflect? I certainly do not know the answers to these questions but it is something to ponder. For me any time spent in nature is a good thing.The views, the scents usually just don't get any better. We were treated this weekend to the lovely serenades of the Loons on the Lake. That just made it all the more special. It was a full weekend of nature observing, water sports, canoeing, hiking, Letter-boxing.Playing games with friends and campfire time with smores. We had rain,we had no Bears perhaps because we had Edna along? Whatever it was a very good time indeed.The best is no electronics!! The best is getting lots of fresh air and activity.

Just gotta love it.


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