Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Irene 2011

The Day Before Irene
The day before was quite nice, calm, sunny but clouds rolling in. We put away furniture, tied up boats and stocked up a little in case the Power went out. Good Sailing day.

The day of Irene
We woke up to gusting roaring winds. We were on what they called the windy side of the Hurricane. We had gusty 50-60 mph winds all day and all night. Still blowing at midnight. Some areas lost lots of trees and branches and power. Our power went on and off all day/night but never totally off for a long time. We stayed in all day as the wind was to much and to dangerous to be out in. Puzzels, books, games, newspapers . . . . all kept us happy and busy. What looks like Fog is actually water being blown across the Pond. We had little to no rain. ( sorry ENYS and Vermont) Everything is a "pond" on Cape Cod even if the body of water would qualify to be a "lake" somewhere else.

The day after Irene
Sometime during the night the roaring winds ceased. We woke up and it was ever so peaceful, quiet, still and calm. The sky was clear, crisp and brilliant sunny as you can see. Unfortunately we had to start the trek home instead of staying to enjoy the beauty after the fury. It took us a while to get home as large parts of I-90 in NYS were closed and we needed to detour. Some roads we drove on were newly opened after being flooded just hours before. We were lucky. The devastation was surreal. So much water, so quickly leaving so much damage.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricaine Irene

Sitting in the Path of Irene waiting to see how it all pans out We are in a safe spot as far as the Cape goes. Lots of fog and little rain on and off right now. Most wind and rain will arrive tomorrow. I went through a similar storm Fall of 85 Hurricane Gloria while in Conneticut. We are ready. PS So very glad to not be in tent on this trip.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Winds are changing . . .

Fall is in the air even it is still summer and August on the paper calender. What is still on your list to do? We have almost 2 more weeks until school starts!! More lazy mornings, late nights and Ice Cream!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

GCM cooking, Fossils, Fun

Genesee Country Museum is a favorite place of ours. My kids have been lucky to attend summer programs here over the years. It is a living history Museum so when they attend a program they move into the 19th century, clothing and all. Civil War Soldier Camp and Intermediate boys cooking were among the Camps this summer. Boys cooking is in a basement/outdoor kitchen of Hosmers Tavern c. 1818 The Walnut cake and Ginger cookies were favorites but the Cows Tongue was definitely talked about the most. They boiled it, skinned it and then ate it. It was a rainy week and they then often ate inside the Tavern. They ate in the room shown above. This structure was renovated so that you can now go onto the 2nd floor and see the sleeping quarters. Most Village structures do not allow for this. I was also told that they are looking at opening it up to families for weekend stays - in peroid costume , food and Chamber pot.
They already offer this experience at the Pioneer Cabin. A good time had by all.

The Rock walls that are by Thomsens tavern c 1808 are filled with fossils as above and my daughter was thrilled to discover them. the heart rock was in the wall - never know what you will see if you are looking!

Friday, August 12, 2011

What's in the Garden this week?

White Rose of Sharon or Althea

Dwarf Black eyed Susans

Cardinal Flower or Lobelia ( Hummers love this)

Purple cone Flowers ( butterfly's love this)
Every week is different, yet every week is the same. When the calender flipped to August all things outside changed. The crickets and tree frogs are louder, the colors are brilliant and the leaves are falling. yes that is correct the Horse Chestnut Trees and the English walnut trees are losing leaves by the branchfuls. This has not been a bounty year for the Walnuts ?? to wet of a spring??, To dry of a summer??

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Pizza's

Martguerita Pizza

Fig/Pear/Arugula/Goat Cheese

Cheese/Arugula/Sliced Parmesan

Cheese/ Cheese-Pepperoni-Olive/ Banana peppers

Usually Saturday Night is Pizza night at Chestnut Hill but sometimes like this weekend it was Sunday Night. We took advantage of a nice night and made a sorgasboard of choices. My favorites were the ones I put Arugula on after they came out of the oven. The Fig and Pear is very tasty. The Arugula does not wilt much and adds a fresh flavor and appeal. We also found it was just as good the next day. Some of our family are more adventurous than others. Me it was all very good and can't wait to do it again!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby Tree Frog Visits ChestnutHill

Last week we found this little guy on our Sugar Maple. He/She is considerably smaller than the ones we usually see. It seems that there are less of them singing at night this summer but I do not know what the reason might be. Has the lack of rain affected them as well? We have tried to keep Bird baths and areas of water filled for all the little creatures as well as the birds. I see a lot of daily insect activity at the water stations. I currently have a Brown Ribbon snake living in my walkway gardens which means he suns on the walk and makes me jump whenever I see him and am not expecting to. The kids just love that!!