Monday, April 28, 2014

Decisions are in . . . . .

  One will attend here in the Fall for Electrical Engineering.

     The other will transfer to here in the Fall to study Environmental Biology.

So, Breathe I say to myself, so many changes coming our way .. . . . so many changes coming their way.  Somehow together we will make it through. Life will be so very different with these changes. It has been a long route to get here. Essays, references, visits, interviews, tours.  I hope that they will both have wonderful positive college experiences.  One day at a time for all of us. These 2 colleges are about an hour apart.  Paul Smith is in the heart of the ADK. 30 minutes from Lake Placid.  Clarkson is further north and west.  -25 can be a norm not an exception on a winters morning.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Watercolor Play . . .

A few weeks back,after watching a wonderful little video at Daisy Yellow . . . I decided to take a break from chores and play . . . this is hard for me to do as there  are so many things that pull my attention and time.  . . .  I had lots of fun and love the bright colored papers I now have to use in other creative projects.   I right away made some postcards to send out to a few friends.  Maybe you will want to see Tammy's video and get out your paints!!! You won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Early Spring 2014

Honeycomb that we found all over after a big wind,but we do not know for sure where it came from, we possibly think from an Owl house we have high in a tree.

The tools of spring  . . . . gloves, trowel, and cutters . . . Finally a few good days to work outside, tiring, and fulfilling all at the same time.

It has been an unrelenting winter time this year. Lots of very cold days below zero and snow nearly every day. So to finally have a few good days to dig off the leaves from gardens and foundations is a wonderful thing. When the leaves are first pulled back the earth is this rich dark black that looks so nutritious, then it slowly dries out to a dull  gray.  The shoots of young things stuck under the leaves are lemon yellow but within hours of being exposed to wonderful sunny skies they also turn a rich beautiful green.  Violas and Pansys are some of my favorite flowers . . I love there combination of colors and they always look like little faces looking at you. We are so very thankful to have days in which we can work the earth and delight in the small things, ladybugs, birdsong, dandelions.  It felt good to set up our picnic tables and know that part of our every-days can now be spent outside in nature. We live rurally enough to really enjoy Nature on our own doorstop.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

the bunny came!

Asparagus Cheese Tart

Doughnut Bread Pudding

After dinner walk in nearby park- on a ridge Trail
Eggs 2014

Love all the bright colors!!
  A few of the things that made Easter special.  We stayed home and caught up on some much needed yard work, some had not had attention for well over a year. We searched for Easter baskets, dyed eggs, went to church and Maundy Thursday  service, had a brunch and went for a nice walk afterward, it was close to 80 that day and as i write this- we are expecting snow overnight . . . .will it ever end???  Hoping that everyone enjoyed Easter  and all the joy that it brings with it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Maple Maple Maple

" Before the budswells, before the grass springs, before the plow is started, comes the sugar harvest.  It is the sequel of the bitter frost; a sap run is the sweet goodby of winter" 
John Burroughs

So for maybe 4-5 years now we have been tapping trees and making our own Syrup. We usually get between 1-2 gallons  of Syrup - 40-80 gallons of Sap, we just can it in Jam jars in different quantities. We all have our jobs in the  process.  Tapping, collecting sap daily 1 or 2x. Boiling the sap down, finishing it off, canning it, and of course baking with it and consuming it!  Fresh Maple Syrup on good vanilla Ice Cream just can't be beat!!!  Get out and find your local Maple Farmer if you live in the Northeast.  Yum Yum Yum!!!  One of our favorite spring family  traditions!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Owls we have seen . . . . this winter and spring . . .

Saw-Whet Owls about 8 inches - quite small

Short eared Owl

Short Ear Owl Flying

Snowy Owl on Fence

Long Ear owl- blends in very well

Another Snowy Owl
It has been a great year to see Snowy Owls in this area and much of the North East.  We have also been lucky to see a few others. Although we have a nice camera lens - we still cannot get all that close to the Snowy's.  I find it amazing how well the long ear Owl blends in with the tree.  The Saw Whet is the cutest.  My daughter is involved in banding the Saw Whets as they move through with migration.  it has been a fun Owl year!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Early Spring at Chestnut Hill

Pussy Willows and Sunlight and Maggie!

Almost Syrup!!

Maybe where our ceiling friends have gotten in  . . .???

Finally Winter Aconites!

Snowdrops just today!
3 days ago 3-31

Sap man!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Inspire me . . .Early Morning Light

“It's not what you have on the outside that glitters in light, it's what you have on the inside that shines in the dark.”
- Anthony Liccone