Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Life More Flowers

Blue Starlets

Sweet Violets


These are what are new in the garden. Our yard is covered with these Sweet sweet Violets. They really do smell ever so sweet and I love to see them all over the yard. Obviously our lawn is Chemical free thus there is more than just grass in it. The Blue starlets are a fall bulb that look so lovely beaming from around the garden and Bloodroot is a wonderful woods wild flower. It gets it name from the red fluid in its stem. I grew up near a large patch and we had great fun painting our faces like Indians. It is protected now so it cannot be a part of my kids life. It is a bit like a windflower. I love spring because it is so full of new Life, so many things making a come back after a long winter underground. Mother Nature says wake Up and go show your self to the world. So much beauty- get out there and find it and enjoy it!!

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