Friday, April 8, 2011

Quilt Away Cananda 2011

Some people go for a "get away" weekend , I go for a Quilt Away weekend with quilting girlfriends. Although there is no doubt there is lots of sewing and quilting going on , there is also good food, drinks, chit chat and a view that is fantastic. Setting on the Lakeshore of a remote lake in the Riedeau Lakes we watched the retreat of the ice. Each day it became farther from the shore. We can only imagine what ti must be like in the summer, boats, kids swimming and voices filling the air with the joyful sounds of summer. For now it is quiet, we did no hear other cars or people, we walked for 30 min and met no one. We did see a Pilated Woodpecker and a few roadkill's. Pussy-willows of all shapes and sizes graced the roadsides in this early April. Purple was the color of the weekend as i think we all had one or more projects with Purple in them. Always a wonderful time to get away and have some quiet me time with friends sewing, quilting, cooking, reading, sleeping or watching movies! It is all good. Necessary rest for the soul . Hope you all can find some of this needed time this weekend.

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