Thursday, November 28, 2013

Right Now . . . . . . .

               Right now we are thankful for so many good things and so many friends, family and co-workers.  It is such a a joy to travel through life with those that can make us laugh and bring a smile to our faces. To those that love us through the thick and thin of it.  That endure long absences of contact and pick up right where we let off. we are thankful for a home and heat and clean water and food for our tummies. We are thankful for the gifts of our skills that we can earn a living and make life richer for others.

                Right now we are shoveling out from a snowstorm leaving about 10 inches of heavy wet snow.  Many friends, co-workers were without power but we were lucky to only lose the internet . . . 3 teens with a day off from school - did not see that as lucky.  They had a Lord of the Rings Movie Fest instead.

                  Right now we are cleaning out  and repainting the room that our 19 y/o occupied for  the last 15 years . . . . . soon to be taken over by our 14y/o.  It is a Bittersweet time.  So many good memories, the room was painted to look like a Beach, clouds on a blue ceiling, This umbrella in a corner just perfect for reading . . .Kites, lighthouses, birds, crabs, Starfish, we had it all. Packing up all the treasures is both difficult and pleasurable as we recall all the moments that surround them

               Right now the tea kettle is whistling on the wood cook-stove, sounds like the wind from outside.. almost time for Hot cocoa and tea on a 19 degree morning!!! Soon we will be off to family's house to feast.  We have the Cranberry-Orange Relish, Brussels Sprouts and 4 different pies!!  Feasting, game playing and napping.

               Right now- wishing everyone a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why do I drink Tea?

Oh my goodness the list could be so long. . . I was thinking of this as I received some bad news of the death of a friends husband . . unexpected as it usually is.  My next thought was time to have tea. Tea quiets us, makes us slow down, to pause to think  things through , to pray for others, Tea is the great equalizer, it is enjoyed and served in most all parts of the world.
 Let me count the ways . . .
          I like tea:
  • when it is cold out
  • when I am tired
  • when I need to think
  • When I am frustrated and anxious
  • when I am angry
  • when I want to be creative
  • when curled up with a good book
  • when it is cold and snowy out
  • with fresh bread
  • with breakfast
  • with dessert
  • first thing in the morning
  • when writing
Pretty much all the time. 

I like all kinds of tea - Earl Grey, Jasmine Green, Lemon, Herbal teas, White peach, blends, I am not to picky when it comes to tea.  I do not like it really hot and I do not add any thing to it.   In the spring we make Maple tea, with hot sap water and a black tea bag.

.Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world next to water, and can be found in almost 80% of all U.S. households. It is the only beverage commonly served hot or iced, anytime, anywhere, for any occasion. On any given day, nearly 127 million people, or half of all Americans are drinking tea.

 “There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”
Lin Yutang

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Book Chatter . . .at Chestnut Hill. . . .

           So I am clearly having issues with formatting this post, but bear with me. I am currently reading this book and could have finished it long ago ( just a few pages left) but am trying to savor it a little longer. It is the current read on my nightstand and I like it for that, because each chapter per Se' is short enough to read before I fall asleep although the past few nights, my eyes have shut with the book unopened in my hands to be removed by Erik when he comes in.
             This is an easy to read rich and lovingly written memoir about cooking, friends, love and time spent around the table. It is a gift to provide food and nourish our friends and family with soul filling comfort food. This book traverses the seasons of the year and the seasons of life. Each chapter is short, that it is easy to start and finish. Many include a helpful yummy recipe at the end! Read, savor, enjoy and spend time with those you love around the table!

 Bread and Wine, a Love Letter to Life around the Table by Shauna Niequest


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Postcard Swap Fall 2013

So usually once or twice a year ihanna from Sweden coordinates a International Postcard Swap, I have participated for many years now.  Here are a couple of what I sent out this year and soon I will post ones that I am receiving.  They go to USA, Italy,England, Sweden . . . all over.  I create 10 postcards and then I am given 10 addresses.  I send my 10 to those addresses.  The 10 I receive are not from the people I send to. IT is lots of fun to see what others do and are thinking. One year I received one that was all knitted. Some are simple and some are complex.  Stay tuned for more on this great postcards swap!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

First Snow 2013

This season the first snow fell of a  measurable amount on 11-12-13, while not enough to make a snowman or a fort- it was enough to tell us that despite all the fabulous fall weather we have been having . . . we are again transitioning into a new season of winter, when the Earth sleeps.   This was the light fluffy snow that coats everything in a soft embrace.  Like all of nature getting a new winter coat.  Since it is early in the season the pumpkins are still out and about and look especially smart in their snowy coats. Mind you when December arrives or the first Major snowstorm we will get excited all over again.  Such is the party fun of Mother Nature.

" The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event.  You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?"
J.B. Priestley
The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?


Monday, November 11, 2013

The Moments No.40

This was a picture - that I did not know that got taken . . . . none the less it is rather cool looking . . .

Friday, November 8, 2013

Works in Progress . . .

In the quilting stage

Pumpkin Blanket- goes with book of same name by Deborah Turney Zagwyn

25th Anniversary sampler quilt needs stashing and binding

Christmas gift for daughter
Now the irony . . . while away on my sewing weekend . . . the sewing machine died and I had made so much progress on several things and was so close to getting to the next stage and then in a moment it was making a horrible noise that just kept getting worse, so we had to abort sewing and start knitting . ..  Life just never goes as planned does it?  But it is what we do when the plans go awry that counts I guess.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Moments No. 38

"What seems mundane and trivial is the very stuff that discovery is made of. The only difference is our perspective, our readiness to put the pieces together in an entirely different way and to see patterns where only shadows appeared just a moment before." (Edward B. Lindaman)

Squint your eyes at this picture and see just the colors and patterns and then go do something with it. It's a Jello sale, trivia for your day . . . the Jello Museum/ Gallery is just about 45 min away from me.  The Inventor Peter Cooper and his history can be found here  What is your favorite kind of Jello dish and what creative thing have you done with Jello?   I like a jello that is red jello with applesauce and cinnamon.  Growing up I was hooked on sunshine salad- grated carrots and crushed pineapple.  I have used jello to flavor/ color cookie dough.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween Wrap up 2013

A little carving . . . . not much excitement this year . . .

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Moments No 36

". . ..I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. So I have spent almost all the daylight hours in the open air." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, 10th October 1842

Morning Frost is becoming a regular visitor. All the shades of Green we enjoyed over the spring and summer are fading fast to Grays and browns. No longer can we walk barefoot or sit for coffee or tea in the early morning sunshine. Ice crystals and snow crystals are always so unique and fun to look at, design within design . . . .

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Moments no 35

We walked always in beauty, it seemed to me. We walked and looked about, or stood and looked. Sometimes, less often, we would sit down. We did not often speak. The place spoke for us and was a kind of speech. We spoke to each other in the things we saw.”
Wendell Berry, Jayber Crow

The Moments No.34

"We Orientals find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and darkness which that thing provides." (Junichiro Tanizaki
There amidst the grays and browns and the shadows, out of the virtual woody darkness comes the sheer beauty of this red tree and branch.  The rustling of the leaves underfoot can take you to a meditative state that if you are not vigilant in looking around - you will miss all the big and small treasures of nature.   We found a tree with a single Apple on it.  It was the coolest thing, and mushrooms and fungi that are juxtaposed in odd places.  Nature is full of beauty for those of us that can take the time to be out in it.  Enjoy all her seasons of beauty.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Moments Nov. no. 33

" But for ones health as you say, it is very necessary to
work in the garden and see the flowers growing"  
Vincent van Gogh

Just a little Picasa Play with a traditional Sun Flower.  I liked how this turned out.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The November Moments No.32

"We are weighed down, every moment, by the conception and sensation of Time. And there are but two means of escaping  and forgetting this nightmare: pleasure and work. Pleasure consumes us. Work strengthens us.  Let us Choose. "           Charles Baudelaire

We are weighed down, every moment, by the conception and the sensation of Time. And there are but two means of escaping and forgetting this nightmare: pleasure and work. Pleasure consumes us. Work strengthens us. Let us choose.
We are weighed down, every moment, by the conception and the sensation of Time. And there are but two means of escaping and forgetting this nightmare: pleasure and work. Pleasure consumes us. Work strengthens us. Let us choose.
Off for a few days to my favorite retreat space with favorite friends to sew, create, be with nature and be nourished by good food, fun and friends. May be quiet for a few days unless I have time before I leave to "set up a few posts"This location is beautiful in the Hills of the Southern Tier of WNY.  It will likely snow while we are there. I will hike every day and hope to make it to the Waterfall this year.  Lots of creative goodness will be happening.