Thursday, November 28, 2013

Right Now . . . . . . .

               Right now we are thankful for so many good things and so many friends, family and co-workers.  It is such a a joy to travel through life with those that can make us laugh and bring a smile to our faces. To those that love us through the thick and thin of it.  That endure long absences of contact and pick up right where we let off. we are thankful for a home and heat and clean water and food for our tummies. We are thankful for the gifts of our skills that we can earn a living and make life richer for others.

                Right now we are shoveling out from a snowstorm leaving about 10 inches of heavy wet snow.  Many friends, co-workers were without power but we were lucky to only lose the internet . . . 3 teens with a day off from school - did not see that as lucky.  They had a Lord of the Rings Movie Fest instead.

                  Right now we are cleaning out  and repainting the room that our 19 y/o occupied for  the last 15 years . . . . . soon to be taken over by our 14y/o.  It is a Bittersweet time.  So many good memories, the room was painted to look like a Beach, clouds on a blue ceiling, This umbrella in a corner just perfect for reading . . .Kites, lighthouses, birds, crabs, Starfish, we had it all. Packing up all the treasures is both difficult and pleasurable as we recall all the moments that surround them

               Right now the tea kettle is whistling on the wood cook-stove, sounds like the wind from outside.. almost time for Hot cocoa and tea on a 19 degree morning!!! Soon we will be off to family's house to feast.  We have the Cranberry-Orange Relish, Brussels Sprouts and 4 different pies!!  Feasting, game playing and napping.

               Right now- wishing everyone a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

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