2014 Book List - proposed
So after a lot of thought I have settled on about 18 books to read in 2014 I am not sure if this is to high or to low right now. . . . we shall see.
I have given some thought to what I want to read- there are just so many possibilities . . . . I am trying to mix it up a little, I like non-fiction, I like memoirs, I like good fiction, and not on the list right now but sure there will be a bit of Brain candy or Fufu - easy peasy reads that don't involve a lot of thought. I get many book recommendations from patients that I work with. Books are not as neutral conversation topic as gardening or weather but if they have one in hand, that they are reading while waiting, it can be a good jumping off point.
The tenative list is as follows:
1. The Snow Child: A Novel by Eowyn Ivey
2. Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingslover
3. Carve Stamp ,Play by Julie Fei Fan Balzer
4. The Signature of All Things: A Novel by Elizabeth Gilbert
5. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't stop Talking by Susan Cain
6. Kingbird Highway: The biggest year in the Life of an Extreme Birder by Kenn Kaufman
7. Murder and Mayheim in Mendon by Diane Ham
8. Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace and Learning the Hard way by Shauna Neiquist
9. Caring for the Painful Thumb by Jan Albrecht
10. Dinner a Love Story by Jenny Rosenstrach
11. Memoir of the Sunday Brunch by Julia Pandl
12. Forest Unseen by David George Haskell
13. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
14. Ready for Air: A Journey through Premature Motherhood by Kate Hopper
15. Quotes Illustrated by Lesley Riley
16. The Art of Whimsical Lettering by Joanne Sharpe
Many magazines, newspapers and Professional Journals or articles.