The garden, historically is the place where
all the senses are exported. Not just the
eye, but the ear - with water, with birds.
And there is texture, too, in plants you
long to touch
William Howard Adams
Several years back I painted this canvas to put in the Garden. I sprayed it with a UV resistant spray to protect it from the elements and I must say it has done very well. It has endured buckets of rain, sunny hot days. It adds color to the garden on dark days or in between flowering plants. This year I added the piece of metal the my son was practicing on welding. It is a pretty cool looking piece of Art I think.
Loved catching up on your blog! It made me happy and miss my 4th grade BFF!
Afraid I just don't get to post as often as I would like and kids do not want any photos posted there, so it goes . . . I always enjoy catching up o yours.
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