Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cookies for Appreciation

So on Tuesday it was Teacher Appreciation day at the High School. Our contribution was this big basket of cookies. Big Ginger cookies far left, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip in the middle and Magic 7 layer bars on the right. My basket came back empty. I love baking and especially having somewhere to take the baked goods!
We appreciate all the big and small things that the teachers do for our kids and the youth of the community every day. It is work and a job but many go beyond that and touch lives and making their jobs be their passion and thus inspiring youth for their lives.
Thank YOU!


IsobelleGoLightly said...

Yummy yum! You're a good cook like your mom! My lady's cookies all look like cow pats. tee hee

Quiltin' Mama said...

I shall have to make your lady some sweet treats eh? What do Goaties like to munch on - just about anything?! might you like treats like Edna the wonder dog? Or just mints?