Monday, February 23, 2009


I have Found Such Joy

I have found such joy in simple things;
A plain clean room,a nut brown loaf of bread.
A cup of milk,a kettle as it sings,
The shelter of a roof above my head,
And in a leaf-laces square along the floor,
Where yellow sunlight glimmers through the door.

I have found such joy in things that fill
My quiet days: a curtains blowing grace,
A potted plant upon my window sill,
A rose,fresh cut placed within a vase;
A table cleared, a lamp beside a chair,
And books I long have loved beside me there.

Oh, I have found such joys I wish I might
tell every woman who goes seeking far
For some elusive, feverish delight,
That very close to home the great joys are:
The elemental things- old as the race;
Yet never, through the ages, commonplace.

~~Grace Noll Crowell

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