Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Whole Truth Part 1

There we go posting before anything is actually written.
Answer- less distraction when writing.

This will be a series of posts answering questions from a magazine page.

My favorite place in the world: I really love Jordan Pond on Mount Desert Island Acadia Maine.
By a lake or a Pond is also nice without it needing to be a specific place.

No one knows . . . . well not a lot of people, that I survived on an uninhabitable island in a small group for 7 days, I lost 10 pounds and ate snake we caught, crayfish and a lot of wild nettle or strawberry tea. I learned a lot about my self and about working in a group. I dreamed a lot about food and thought deeply about those who go without enough nourishment on a regular basis.

The lesson I keep learning over and over . . . . never judge a book by its cover, and LISTEN really well.

How I live Green . . . . I hang my laundry outside, I use cloth bags at the grocery, I compost green material, recycle all that is possible, LED bulbs, refillable water bottles, buy local when able.

1 comment:

IsobelleGoLightly said...

You are a very wise woman. My lady said you were a very nice little girl too. She remembers going to play at your lovely home a lot and that she and you were tricked by their older sisters into putting your ears to the railroad rails. They had said that we could tell a train was coming by listening to the rails. How they laughed at us.