Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Sampler

Actually this was the bounty from last Sunday when we took an adventure to a small Fingerlakes town nearby. On the way we stopped for the requisite Pumpkins and found these way to cool spooky
" Goosebumps" pumpkins. We got big ones and little ones, Maple Cotton Candy and then on to our next stop.
Next stop is Red Jacket Orchards with sampling of flavored Fruit juices and Cider. Here they have all things grown and made in the Fingerlakes. We selected these 3 local cheese and enjoyed them on the car ride to the next stop. It was a gorgeous day in the sky! Brilliant blue edge to edge and sun that warmed your very core. This was one of those special but in frequent times when we were all in the car together. Our destination goal is here: Dougs Fish
They make hands down the best breaded fish and fries, coleslaw around. It is well worth the drive. Lot's of visitors to Skaneatlas this day. Many fancy cars to the delight of the boys. Old MG's and such. Flowergirl and I are interested in the Artisian Galleries like Gallery 54, Imagine that, and Skaneateles Artisians .
I Can't say we bought much, a couple of ceramic bowls and mug but the sights were ever so inspirational. So many talented and creative souls reside in the Fingerlakes, it is a beautiful thing. We have been making this same trek in all kinds of weather for 16 years now. This year was one of the best weather years ever. Get out and enjoy the day and Fall, for it will soon be behind us and we best have some memories to fill those long dark, cold months.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your weekend is right up my alley!